Hildred (Driver) Cushing
The Second World War saw close to 7,000 women in naval service. Founded in 1942, the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service (WRCNS), often called the "Wrens", performed a wide variety of non-combatant roles ashore, both in Canada and overseas. Heidi Cushing joined the WRCNS in 1942 in Toronto at 18 years of age, inspired by her father’s service in the First World War. She completed her Naval training in Galt, Ontario, and her training as a Vehicle Transport Driver in Preston Springs. Her Canadian postings included Jericho Beach, Vancouver, B.C.; Ottawa, Ontario; and Royal Rhodes in Victoria, where she served as a driver in the motor pool. Some of her duties included maintaining, servicing and driving vehicles; including delivering signals from the admiral to ships in port. Heidi missed out on her posting overseas to England because of pneumonia, and was instead posted to Washington D.C. where she drove for United States Naval Officer, Admiral Reed. Heidi loved every moment of her service, and carried the memories, experiences, skills and friendships throughout her life. Heidi passed away just shy of her 100th birthday in Uxbridge, Ontario.
We Will Remember Them